Certified Public Accountant

Lindsay A. Balasta

Hello there,

I feel that where I am today was always meant to be. I grew up on the east coast, and as a teenager, I worked for a small business owner, a physical therapist with a private practice. I went from making coffee and scheduling appointments to insurance billing and back-office administration. I was curious about how everything worked and discovered a backlog of unpaid claims–some a few months old–that could be resolved very simply. I got those claims paid, created a better process, and received a nice bonus. The best part? It felt good to help the business and its owner, who worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, because he loved what he did, his patients depended on him, and the company was his family’s primary source of income. Every work experience is valuable but not always meaningful. My time there was both.

Fast forward a few years and a move to Las Vegas: my husband starts a small family business in the retail industry. I’d never heard of QuickBooks, had no working knowledge of accounting or how to run a business, and my only qualifications were: a previous job at Paychex and being “OCD” (although I prefer “organized”). But hard work is work worth doing, so we rolled up our sleeves and got to it, learned from the ground up, wore many hats, and I fell in love with accounting. For over ten years, we operated that company, recovered from mistakes, recognized opportunities, expanded to multiple locations, managed employees and turnover, contracted to see the business through growing pains and economic downturns, and evaluated the right time for a successful exit. This experience shaped a big part of who I am today. I’m incredibly grateful for it, the people who were a part of it, and the opportunity.

I graduated with a B.S.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I obtained my CPA license in 2013, worked alongside some very talented CPAs in public accounting firms, and then started my practice. I’ve learned that what I know and do is less important than how I do it–cultivating collaborative relationships with clients for the long term. That has always been the vision, and I’m thankful for and appreciative of our clients, especially my first one in 2015, who are the reasons we can realize it.

I love spending time with my husband, our two kids, extended family, and friends who’ve become family. We enjoy board games, hiking in national parks, cruise vacations, and all things Disney. I’d read all day, travel more, and sleep in, given the time. I’m an INTJ, Enneagram 5w6, and year of the rooster. I’ve got old-fashioned values: honesty, integrity, keeping your word, the Golden Rule. I’m curious about almost everything, primarily how things work. And I think about food probably more often than the average person.